Mobility Service Offerings

Our wide range of mobility services and solutions enable you to establish a solid mobile enterprise foundation and drive your organization’s growth.​

Mobility Strategy & Consulting​

As your end-to-end enterprise mobility partner, our mobility experts will work closely with your team to chalk out a transformation roadmap that will be aligned with your mobility endeavors from ideation to implementation. This will involve addressing key questions around your mobility readiness, application needs, ROI expectations and more.​


Good design is critical to achieving desired results from any enterprise mobility initiative irrespective of whether it’s a B2B or a B2C app. We deliver design rich customer experiences that keep customers engaged, create repeat customers and deliver experiences that people love.​​

App Development, Back-end Implementation & Integration​​

Leverage our highly experienced Mobility CoE to build and deploy highly scalable and customized enterprise mobile applications built through cutting edge technology stack. From choosing the ideal technology platform to backend integration of your app, our team will confidently execute your business need. ​​

Testing and Automation​

We ensure high standards of application quality through rigorous testing for everything from app usability to performance. By leveraging novel mobile automation test frameworks, we speed up the time-to-market for your enterprise application.​

Mobile App Analytics​

We develop custom mobile app analytics solutions that allow collection, consolidation, and analysis of mobile application data to assist with defining performance metrics, general app health status, app revenue matrix, user engagement and retargeting.​

App Maintenance, Optimization & Modernization​

Outdated enterprise applications limit the benefits offered by mobility and need to be addressed for best outcomes. Our team can perform an in-depth audit of your existing legacy infrastructure and upgrade it with the latest tools and technologies​

Mobility tech stack expertise


  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Salesforce
  • Private Cloud


  • Android
  • ios
  • cordova
  • xamarin


  • java J2EE
  • Spring
  • Laravel


  • SQL server
  • sqLite
  • Mongo DB
  • MySQL


  • Google Analytics
  • Flurry
  • Keen
  • Omniture


  • Android Studio
  • Visual Studio
  • Eclipse

Mobile Application Lifecycle Management Services

Strategy and consulting

  • Business Requirement Analysis
  • Technical And Business Feasibility Analysis
  • Competitive Research And Analysis
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Target Audience And Demographic Information
  • Technology, Tools & Platforms
  • Integrations And Server Architecture Selection
  • Business Model Definition
  • Proof Of Concepts
  • Functional Specification Documentation
  • UI / UX
  • Understand how a mobile app fits into your business model and delivers the desired functionality
  • Map the offline behavior of users to their mobile behavior.
  • Consultative approach towards client engagement resulting in mobility services tailored to your needs

UI / UX Design

We dive deep to understand & quantify your problem to provide a unique UX/UI design and development services that caters an engaging experience. Our motto is to bring Products To ‘Life’ With Intuitive & Delightful UX Design Services.

Market Research & Analysis

We kick start the UX process by gathering, analysing and defining requirements to understand user goals & emotions.

Information Architecture

We structure and organize information based on the concept of “Findability” such that users can quickly find what they seek


These blueprints reveal the envisioned structure of the entire product. It shows what goes where on a page real estate


Our detailed clickable prototypes illustrate the underlying flow of the entire product even before it’s fully built

User Interface Design

Our design philosophy is to create interfaces that conform to what the user understands & reciprocate to each of his actions

UI Micro interactions

We weave features & details of a product together into a single interface to attract and make the user stay on it

App Development

Build a mobile app that makes the most of Apple’s platform, focusing on outstanding performance and a polished UI


Native iPhone app development

Native iPhone apps are specific to iOS platform using the development tools and language that the iOS platform supports. For e.g. XCode, Swift and Objective C. Native apps look and perform the best due to adequate access to device’s hardware and iOS specific features.

Embrace the openness of Android to create a lightning-fasts and sleek native app that serves a myriad of devices


Native android app development

Native android apps are specific to android platform using the development tools and language that the android platform supports. For e.g. Android studio, Google Material Design, Java and Kotlin. Native apps look and perform the best due to adequate access to device's hardware and android-specific features.

Cut your development and maintenance costs with cross-platform apps that work flawlessly across iOS and Android


Hybrid android app development

Hybrid android apps are developed using the standard web technologies like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and popular frameworks like React Native, Flutter. The final code is wrapped in a native container and shipped as a regular app. Hybrid approach is often called "Write Once, Run Anywhere” as the same code can serve multiple platforms

App Backend Development

Mobile apps need a strong backend for features which require resources more than those available solely on-device, for example, processing and sharing data from multiple users or storing large files.

Our experts perform server or backend development and cloud deployment for Mobile apps which are robust, scalable, strong, and secure

Connect native iOS, Android apps or Cross-platform (Xamarin or others) apps to backend cloud storage and processes. Common features provided by backend server includes:

  • Enterprise systems connect
  • File storage
  • Custom Objects (Database)
  • Push Notifications
  • User Management

Technologies and platforms we often use for mobile backends are

  • Server Technologies : NodeJS, J2EE, .Net, PHP Laravel, ROR
  • MBAAS : Firebase
  • Open Source Platforms : OpenCart, Wordpress, Magento, SocialEngine
  • Proprietary Platforms : SAP, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle Sales Cloud, Sugarcrm, and Others
  • Database : MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SQLite, MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, Neo4j
  • Web Services : JSON, REST, XML, SOAP
  • Server Environments : Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Heroku, Linode VPS

Mobile App testing

Manual Testing

We test the app under a variety of network conditions(such as on both 4G/3G networks and Wi-Fi). This includes functionality testing, compatibility testing, usability testing.

Automation Testing

This is the accelerator automation framework that supports mobile platforms like Android and iOS. The tools used are HP QTP and QC and open source tools like Selenium and Appium.

Performance Testing

This includes server side testing of the API & mobile portal backend, stress testing conducted for the mobile applications and validation of memory, battery and CPU.

Mobile cloud Testing

This includes the cloud testing infrastructure which perform cloud based testing for various mobile applications.

Tools for mobile application testing (Android and iOS) are :

  • Appium, Calabash
  • Mobile Farm for Testing on multiple device / OS combinations

imgOur dedicated focus on performance testing ensures that you experience optimal performance of mobile applications under various network conditions and overall system environments

Pre-Launch QA Process

  • Test plan and test case preparation
  • Automated test script identification and modification
  • Perform manual testing on actual devices
  • Usability testing
  • Performance testing
  • Security & compliance testing
  • User acceptance testing
  • Generate test summary report
  • Monitor crash reports
  • Test and troubleshoot crashes, if any
  • Regression testing for a new version update
  • Migration and impact testing for a new version update

Performance Monitoring and App Analytics

Measure mobile app performance by collecting analytics and provide actionable insights through collected data

Define performance metrics, App health status, App revenue matrix, User engagement and Retargeting through use of various free and paid analytics platforms

Some of the critical mobile app metrics are

  • User Lifetime Value (LTV)
  • Retention Rates
  • In-App Referrals
  • App Performance Analytics
  • App Ratings And Review Analytics
  • In-App Feedback
  • Engagement Rates
  • DAU - Daily Active User
  • MAU - Monthly Active User
  • Average Session Length - Foreground & Background

With mobile application monitoring tools, we monitor and maintain persistent mobile app experience and performance

  • Diagnose performance by operating systems, devices, and versions
  • See how services are affecting app
  • Discover regions affected by poor app performance
  • Know how app runs on each carrier’s network
  • Identify how apps consume device resources
  • Get insight into how and why apps crash
  • Analyze patterns and roll up the important details pertinent to an app crash

App Maintenance, Optimization & Modernization​

App Monitoring

  • Server monitoring
  • Auto backup
  • App crash monitoring
  • Analytics monitoring
  • App feedback monitoring
  • Security reviews
  • OS and device update reviews
  • Third party integration update reviews
  • Usability review
  • Performance monitoring
  • App store management & monitoring
  • Renewal monitoring
  • Hosting & third party payment monitoring
  • Source code repository & versioning
  • Knowledge management

New Features and Enhancement Services

  • Feature extension
  • Migration script and backend server modification
  • Release plan and management
  • Performance enhancement
  • Minor, incremental and major enhancements

App Upgrades

  • Mobile app performance optimization
  • Refactoring deprecated code ( If required )
  • Correct errors
  • Improve the application interfaces and interactions
  • Upgrade to support upcoming OS and devices
  • Perfecting existing acceptable functions
  • Maintaining control over the application’s day-to-day functions and system modification
  • Operational level support
  • Major upgrades and additions
  • Support new library versions
  • Data model migrations between updates

App Support

  • Responding to customer queries
  • Deploying the apps to app stores/enterprise stores
  • Providing enterprise training programs
  • Integrating to complex corporate systems

Mobile App maintenance and Support services model

The mobile application support model deals from making mobile apps compatible with new framework versions, fixing bugs to making applications scalable. Our Android/iOS app maintenance services support model enables better and faster software maintenance, increases app productivity and result in higher app ROI.

Annual Maintenance Contract

This includes technical support, bug fixing and corrective maintenance, minor and major version upgrades, etc.

Part Time / Full Time Person

Dedicated support staff for all maintenance work including app monitoring, app upgrades and enhancements

Scope Based Maintenance

In this model, clients define the scope of work they have planned, and Visionet will deliver as per the mobile app maintenance agreement upon scope based on fix or hourly cost

Digital transformation Enablers

Our offerings are designed to touch all aspects of your digital transformation journey by leveraging the latest technology capabilities.


We offer blockchain app development services tailored to your business needs that empower you to explore the possibilities of this cutting-edge technology.​


We offer a holistic approach to accelerate digital transformation for businesses with the power of cloud computing​

Internet of Things​

We enable businesses to exploit the potential of connected things with value-based IoT services and solutions. We connect the physical and digital worlds in ways that can turn your pain points into competitive advantages​

Machine Learning/AI​

We help you build intelligent apps and solutions by integrating cutting-edge AI tools and SDKs.​​


We bring the virtual and real worlds together to create immersive, 360-degree experiences that drive learning, engagement and data visualization across multiple industries, such as education, finance, healthcare, and sports.​ ​

Mobility Adoption Program

Technical Help Desk with deep knowledge of mobile applications trained to support and evangelize mobility applications across target user segment using Omni-channel contact platform..

Project Methodology

Our Mobility Solution to track, manage and optimize your field workforce operations

A powerful combination of mobile, portal, analytics and geofencing technology elements to optimize your Field workforce operations


Field Workforce Supervision

Field workforce management and supervision platform built with pre-built accelerators such as selfie based geo tagged time stamped attendance, tour planning, on-the-go leave approvals, expense approvals etc. to simplify field operations

Stock Liquidation

Capture stock data from field and reconcile with the back-end ERP system enabling visibility of SKU wise stocks available at key distribution points. Improve Product placement through off-take tracking

Digital Marketing via Mobile Phone / Tablet

Manage and publish documents and videos onto mobile devices of your company’s field workforce with content tailored to engage retailers leading to enhanced demand generation.

Integration with 3rd Party Systems

Adaptors to integrate with existing enterprise application infrastructure like ERP systems for primary sales data, distributors transaction system and native Distributor Management System for secondary sales data

Reporting and Dashboards

A visual field force reporting desktop tool for information aggregation and real-time supervisory intervention

Success Stories

Get in Touch​

We appreciate your interest in FlintLogic. For specific questions, email us at ​You can also send us a message through the form below.